The TWiT Netcast Network, which is the operating trade name of TWiT LLC, is a podcast (although TWiT uses the term netcast) network run by technology broadcaster and author Leo Laporte. The network began operation in April 2005 with the launch of This Week in Tech. Security Now was the second podcast on the network, debuting in August of that year. Currently, the network hosts nineteen podcasts and several live streaming shows, covering various topics including Apple, Microsoft, Google, computer security, social networking and current technology news.
TWiT founder and owner Leo Laporte, in an October 2009 speech, stated that it grosses revenues of $1.5 million per year, while costs are around $350,000. Later on October 24, 2009, Leo said during the TWiG (This Week in Google) show that revenues for the year would be closer to $2.5 million. Originally, the network started solely from his own funding as well as setting up a contribution system similar to the public radio model (but not tax-deductible). As the network has grown, a market for advertising in podcasts also developed, and most of the current shows carry advertising. On December 12, 2009, a message on the network's website stated that Leo was going to modify the company's funding: advertising would be used to run the company, and any contributions would go solely for his salary. However, this caused such a sudden increase in donations that he has unofficially stated he would limit how much he takes as income, and save the rest in a fund for future projects, such as a new studio.
TWiT gets its name from its first and flagship podcast, the popular This Week in Tech. The logo design originated from a traditional logic gate symbol of an "AND gate" turned on its side.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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